Earth Day, Every Day

Earth Day is an annual event that began on April 22, 1970, as a way to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote sustainability. Many organizations take this opportunity to assess how well they are protecting the environment in the choices they make every day.

Employers have an important role to play in promoting sustainability. Here are a few ways in which employers can contribute to a more sustainable future:

  1. Implement Sustainable Practices: Employers can adopt sustainable practices in their operations, such as reducing energy and water usage, reducing waste, and using environmentally-friendly materials. By doing so, they can reduce their carbon footprint and minimize their impact on the environment.

  2. Educate Employees: Employers can educate their employees about sustainability and encourage them to adopt eco-friendly practices both in the workplace and at home. This can include promoting public transportation, reducing paper usage, and encouraging recycling.

  3. Support Environmental Causes: Employers can support environmental causes through donations, sponsorships, and other forms of support. This can include supporting local conservation groups, funding environmental research, or partnering with organizations that promote sustainable practices.

  4. Advocate for Environmental Policies: Employers can use their influence to advocate for environmental policies that promote sustainability and protect natural resources. This can include working with lawmakers, joining environmental advocacy groups, and promoting sustainable business practices to other businesses.

If your organization is struggling with the buy-in of leaders to take a stand, consider these perspectives:

  1. Corporate Social Responsibility: Employers have a responsibility to their employees, customers, and communities to operate in an ethical and socially responsible manner. Taking steps to protect the environment is an important part of this responsibility.

  2. Attract and Retain Employees: Employees are increasingly looking for employers who are committed to sustainability and environmental protection. By showing a commitment to the environment, employers can attract and retain top talent.

  3. Cost Savings: Many environmental initiatives, such as energy efficiency and waste reduction, can lead to cost savings for employers. By implementing these initiatives, employers can save money while also reducing their environmental impact.

  4. Positive Public Image: Employers who demonstrate a commitment to the environment can enhance their public image and reputation. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and support.

Overall, by demonstrating a commitment to the environment, employers can benefit their employees, customers, and communities, while also protecting the planet for future generations. Earth Day is a time to reflect on the impact of our actions on the environment and to take action to reduce our carbon footprint, protect natural resources, and promote sustainability.

The responsibility is a shared one and by making changes in the workplace, every day can become Earth Day. Happy Earth Day to you and yours!

Becky Barton

Our fearless leader is a native of Omaha, NE, and currently lives in San Francisco. She is fluent in Spanish, and at 16 years old, self-funded a trip to Ecuador to teach children how to brush their teeth and the community how to build latrines. Her HR background includes staffing, recruiting, organizational development, and she is recognized as a thought leader on optimizing performance for start-ups and companies on the move and aligning talent with strategy. She started her HR career in 1997 in staffing and has since led HR Strategy in non-profit, start-up, professional services and creative agency organizations. Outside of work, Becky’s time is a flurry of kid-centric activities (including Denver the guinea pig), sports, outdoor exploring, time with her two boys, and catching up with friends. (BA, Spanish; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace certification)



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